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Industry and Business Shoe Services in Marion, OH

Scioto Shoe Mart in Marion, OH offers a variety of safety footwear services to local industries and businesses. We provide a vast selection of safety shoes and boots for all types of industries and occupations whether your company is based in construction, food service, or anything else that requires specific footwear. Our experienced sales staff can assist each customer with finding a shoe that is appropriate for the conditions and environment. We’re proud to work with companies from construction, industrial, food service, hospitality, duty and uniform, and manufacturing industries with expert fitting and style selection. We even come to you!

woman putting on high heels

Meet our Resident Certified Pedorthist

We believe that every customer deserves a shoe that fits properly and comfortably, which is why our Marion location has a certified pedorthist on staff. Our resident pedorthist has completed the required training through education and clinical experience, passed the Pedorthic Certification exam, and complies with a mandatory continuing education program to ensure that we can face each footwear need presented to us.

Our Certified Pedorthist Assists In:
  • Alleviating painful or debilitating conditions of the lower limb
  • Accommodation of foot deformities
  • Re-alignment of anatomical structures
  • Enhancement of the actions or limbs compromised as a result of accident, congenital deformity, neural condition, or disease
  • Redistribution of external and internal forces
  • Improvement of balance
  • Control of biomechanical function
  • Accommodation of circulatory special requirements

Comfortable and Reliable Footwear for Staff on Their Feet

When you spend your whole day on your feet, you want something that will stay comfortable, breathable, durable, and be supportive throughout your shift. A properly-fitting shoe goes almost unnoticed while a cheap and uncomfortable shoe immediately causes problems. Furthermore, poor footwear can lead to knee and back problems. Take care of your feet, and your body will thank you. Stop by today and have our helpful staff help your feet feel more comfortable throughout your day.

Do Your Feet a Favor